Brooklyn Chamber Music Society

Carmit Zori, Artistic Director

Carmit Zori,
Artistic Director

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This website
copyright 2005-2024
Brooklyn Chamber
Music Society


Click here for directions to the
chapel at First Unitarian Church

Site Design:
Canfield Design
Studios, Inc.

About UsScheduleArtistsContributeReservations


The Brooklyn Chamber Music Society presents its performances in a small, intimate space which guarantees every audience member a seat up close. Ticket sales alone cannot cover costs. BCMS relies on the generous support of its audiences. Please join those who make this series a reality by sending a check to the below mailing address:

49 Cheever Place
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Note: This is NOT the address of the concert venue

You may also donate online by clicking the Donate button here:
The Brooklyn Chamber Music Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible.

The Brooklyn Chamber Music Society gratefully acknowledges the following contributors:

Benefactors ($5,000 or more)
Robert Buckholz & Lizanne Fontaine
The Henry and Lucy Moses Fund
Richard C. Yancey

Sponsors ($1,000-$4,999)
Holley Atkinson & Stephen Plumlee
Martha Eckfeldt
Sarah Erlij
Glenda & Irwin Fenichel
Naomi Gardner & Dean Johnson
Lorna & David Goodrich
Marsha Gray
Judith Hazen (Alex J. Ettl Foundation)
Mary Hilles
Moore Family (Brooklyn Community Foundation)
Catherine & Charles O'Brien in memory of Keith O'Brien
Patricia B. Park
Kate Pennell
Peggy Pennell
Christa Rice in memory of Richard Yancey
Vivien & Michael Shelanski
Maureen & Thomas Stewart
Franklin Stone & David Wenk
Ted & Betsy Wheeler
Melinda Whittum in memory of Fred Whittum

Patrons ($500-$999)
Claire Angelica in memory of Keith O'Brien
Katherine & Gary Bartholomaus
Sarah Brown
Marcia & Jesse Fardella
Molly McCue
Susan McLaughlin & Michael Furman
Jennifer Marshall & Andrew Mockler
Molly Morkoski
Karen Spanard
Stephen Stamas in memory of Elaine Stamas
Charlotte Thorp
Ted & Betsy Wheeler in memory of Richard Yancey

Donors (To $499)
Alice & Bill Beal
Janet Beck
Robert Bero & Kathleen Ivans
Eileen Bohn
Mary Bray
William Bregman
Helen Cleary Brennan in memory of Trudy Katzer & Susan Saltman
James & Zelda Brodey Family Fund
Sally Brody
Gregory & Diane Bruce
Rocio Canales
Joanna Dean
Carolyn Ellis
Carol Rose Fleischman
Lucille Gruber
Jessica Hansen
William J. & Susan K. Harris
Rachel Hauser
Barbara Heelan
Harriet Holtzman
Diana Horowitz
Armando Jinich
Carol Kelly
Nina & Ted Liebman
Suzanne Loebl
Barbara Lobron
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Louzonis
Allison McCluer
Marcia W. McHam
Katrina Millard
Barbara & Richard Moore in memory of Richard Yancey
Stephanie M. Neville
Julia Pane
Anna Plumlee
Mary Salstrom Porter & Brent Porter in memory of Fred Whittum
Sana Reynolds
Joanna Robinson
Elizabeth M. & Robert Rodgers, Jr.
Grace Row
Claude Scales & Martha Foley
Peter Schulhof
Peter Scott
Susan Solomita in memory of Diane Kalish
Koren Volk
Assaff Weisman
Nancy Welles
Laurel H. & Joseph P. Whitaker
Nancy Wolf